If you wish to attend one of our Dan-gradings you’ll have to fill out an online registrationform at least 2 weeks prior the grading.
If you are grading for  2nd dan or 3rd dan, you also have to send a copy of your latest grading license to certificate@wadokai.dk.

You can find the next dan-grading under activities.

Here you can download the syllabus/curriculum and sign up for the grading online.

400 DKK / 70 EUR – Examination fee (not refundable)
200 DKK / 30 EUR – JKF Wado-Kai membership fee (if not a member already)
500 DKK / 70 EUR – Shodan certificate
600 DKK /  80 EUR – Nidan certificate
700 DKK / 100 EUR – Sandan certificate

Fees can be paid in cash in both currencies or by paypal in DKK (hkochmb@gmail.com – Henriette Koch)
Danish participants can also pay by mobilepay (23417174 – Henriette Koch)